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Sane and Gimp - way round?

I'm running a Potato system, but with those upgrades necessary in gtk to
run the Gimp 1.2 - which is gorgeous.

The good news is that I've acquired a scanner - the bad news is that when
I try to install the stable version of Sane 1.0.1-1999-10-21-12, I get
the message telling me that Sane conflicts with Gimp 1.1 and that Gimp
1,2 provides Gimp 1.1.

Is there a way around this?  I tried compiling sane against my own set-up
from deb-source and got the same result.  Or is there an alternative to
sane for the Gimp addict?

Thanks for your time

                            so here we are then....
                      ==== Running Debian/Gnu Linux  ====
          12:55pm  up  4:37,  2 users,  load average: 0.15, 0.59, 0.87

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