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Re: Give me my econ-gnome-ical text mode back!

Kevin Stokes wrote:
>   I've actually gotten far enough with Debian that I have Gnome up and
> running, and have gotten to play the squash-bill-gates game, thanks to
> ya'll.
>   However, when I booted Linux this morning, my nice text login was gone,
> and instead a graphical login was presented.    This is nice and all, but
> most of the time I would prefer to do my work in good ole' text mode and
> only go into Gnome when I want to.  What setting do I change?

  you can still switch to virtual console (ctrl-alt-Fn, for n = 1..6
usually) and just leave X running (it's on F7, usually), unless you're
very short on ram it shouldn't cause any problems...

  check the update-rc.d program, you are probably running gdm (or xdm or
kdm), to stop it (run the following as root):

  /etc/init.d/gdm stop

  to stop it from starting at boot up:

  update-rc.d gdm remove

  (it does not remove gdm, just the links under /etc/rc* so it does not
start automatically)

  you can still start gdm (graphical logon) by running /etc/init.d/gdm

>   Also, the chair in front of the Linux machine is uncomfortable, and
> sometimes I would prefer to work at my usual machine instead.   I think I
> need to load a 'telenetd' package to use telnet to connect remotely,

 it's telnetd but it's better to use ssh, it's basically the same thing
but secure (and can do other tricks as well but you can learn about
those later)

  if the other machine is windows you can use ssh client (puTTY or some
other) to connect or try vnc (apt-get install vncserver on linux,
download and install vnc (search google for vnc) for windwos as well,
run server on linux, connect to server from windows) - it gives you
remote access to X (not your real X, vnc acts as X server that you can
remotely view using vnc viewer from win or other operating systems or
even browser with java support)

> correct?   Is it correct that I use the dselect program to download and
> configure it?    I did start it up, but I'm very worried that it will try to
> update all sorts of stuff which I just spend a whole day configuring, and
> perhaps break my X stuff again etc.  (You see I'm used Microsoft stuff,
> which tends to muck itself up just terribly everytime you let it check

  unless there is some bug in the package it would not overwrite config
file, usually it asks what to do (be careful about what you choose).
that's a very good feature of debian package system that is often
overlooked (everybody is so in love with dependencies) - when you
upgrade your system you can do it with very few worries about your

> itself for new hardware.)   So my question is, if I just go in there and
> mark 'telenetd', will it only download stuff that I ask for, and possibly
> some dependent packages?

  if you want to install individual (or small group) package just use:

  apt-get install packageName

  to browse/search packages use apt-cache or debian web page
(www.debian.org, click on packages (left side menu) and brose or search
- note the last form on the page, very useful when you know the progrm
name but not the package name)


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