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Need a bit of help with 'network unreachable'


  I'm windoze guy trying to install Debian, and I've read How-To's 'till I'm
blue in the face, but I'm stymied at the moment, and I sure would appreciate
some help or a link to a HOWTO to help troubleshoot this.

  I've Debian potatoe vanilla installed to the point where I've created the
root and user accounts, and then it wants the APT data source for loading
other things.   I've installed from stuff downloaded off the net, so I
choose HTTP or FTP as my source.

  However, I can't get my network stuff to work.  Specifically:

I got my  ne  module aliased and loaded in the /etc/modules

It looks like it might be working, because lsmod returns something

In /etc/network/interfaces, I put:

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

I reboot, then at the command line I do a   'ifconfig eth0 up', and it
accepts this ok, and if I type 'ifconfig', it lists it there and all looks

But I still cannot ping anything but localhost without getting 'Network
unreachable' errors.

  I looked at /var/log/messages, and didn't see anything bad in there,
except for a message at the very end like:

ds: no sockets drivers loaded!    ; I don't know if this is ok, or bad.

  The HOWTO's are filled with information about setting up this or that, but
I couldn't find anything that helps people who don't know any unix to
troubleshoot anything like this.

Kevin Stokes
Pie in the Sky Software

PS.  My thanks to Rick Commo and Andrew Dixon for helping me earlier!

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