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Re: Gnus/emacs to Gnus/xemacs

Bud Rogers <budr@sirinet.net> writes:
BR> On Saturday 17 March 2001 13:07, mike polniak wrote:
 MP> I am using Gnus5.8.8 and emacs 20.7 and would like to try Gnus
 MP> with xemacs. If i just apt-get install xemacs from stable will it
 MP> work with my current version of Gnus (unstable). Are there any
 MP> problems using the same version of Gnus with emacs and xemacs?
BR> I'm pretty sure that won't work.  As best I remember, gnus byte 
BR> compiles differently in emacs and xemacs so the two versions are not 
BR> compatible.

Yes, but Debian makes an effort to make elisp add-on packages work
correctly with multiple Emacsen.  My guess is that, if you're using a
Debian package of Gnus (even from unstable), it should work with any
Emacs in stable, unstable, or testing.

BR> The xemacs package at debian comes with an older version 
BR> of gnus,

(Though if things work correctly the external Gnus package should
override this.)

BR> but it's a piece of cake to download a tarball from gnus.org and
BR> roll your own.  There is always a stable release version called
BR> gnus.tar.gz and a development version called something like
BR> ognus.tar.gz or pgnus.tar.gz.  They're working backwards through
BR> the alphabet so ognus is newer than pgnus.  Kind of like debian
BR> stable and unstable, the stable version is usually quite solid
BR> while the development version may be broken in some fashion on any
BR> given day.

The Gnus versioning scheme:

-- Versions with an odd minor number (5.7, 5.9) are "stable" and can
   generally only be found distributed with an Emacs (possibly even
   only with FSF Emacs).

-- Versions with an even minor number (5.8.8) are "beta" versions, but 
   late revisions tend to work fairly well.  I'd recommend 5.8.8 for
   most Gnus users.

-- Named versions are "alpha" versions.  Once upon a time there were
   frequent releases of these, but these days everything's in CVS.
   Pterodactyl Gnus was before Gnus 5.8, and Oort Gnus is the current
   release.  As noted previously, alpha release names are in strictly
   decreasing alphabetical order by first letter of name.

As I said before, I'd recommend Gnus 5.8.8 for most people who use
Gnus, and in particular for everyone who isn't tracking the CVS Gnus.
Conveniently, the Gnus package in Debian unstable is for Gnus 5.8.8,
so you're set there.

David Maze         dmaze@debian.org      http://people.debian.org/~dmaze/
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
	-- Abra Mitchell

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