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Lexmark Z52 support

Just thought I'd share some information on how to get lexmark z52 working (in 
case someone is wondering).

I just bought it a week a go for it's Linux support(limited to distros that 
use rpm) and struggled few days to get it working with debian. 

Anyways, here's what I did..

Initial installation didn't do much. I converted it to debian with alien and 
installed that and, well, nothing really worked. There was a program called 
lexmarkz52 installed that would just segfault. I ended up installing with rpm 
since it didn't really conflict with anything but still nothing worked..

Using gdb revealed that lexmarkz52-program crashed when it vas calling vdk. A 
little check on the package contents revealed that it came with it's own set 
of vdk libs placed in /usr/local/lib/. It seems to want exactly version 1.2.0 
since using 1.1.8 or 1.2.5 wouldn't work. Even though it requires version 

cd /usr/local/lexmark/z52
mv lexmarkz52 lexmarkz52.old

Make a small script named lexmarkz52 as follows:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib /usr/local/lexmark/z52/lexmarkz52.old

#end script

Now when you type lexmarkz52 you get a nice control program that 
unfortunately does nothing useful as the devices are not set up properly..

Next you need to configure lpr:
You need two printer entries, one for raw data and one that is filtered..

The one that is raw data needs to be called z52-outfiles. This is where the 
control program will send raw printer data to configure the printer(actually 
these are just files in /usr/local/lexmark/z52-dir).

 A good way to see if your printer is working is cat 
/usr/local/lexmark/z52/lxactstc.out > /dev/lp0 (or whatever your printer 
device is). Should print a nice color logo.

Filtered printer entry can be called whatever you like. You just need to 
specify /usr/local/lexmark/z52/z52.sh as the input filter. Now you can print 
ps, pdf and text files using your z52 at up to 2400x1200dpi. 

Latest gimp works great with postscript driver.. I've noticed that in gimp 
with a display gamma of 2.5 you need to set the printer gamma to about 1.6 to 
match the brightness of display.. This does depend a little on the picture 
though so before using those glossy photo-papers you might want to make copy 
on a regular paper in a smaller size..

Control program (lexmarkz52) is used to set the paper size, type and print 
resolution. It is also used for installing new cartridges, aligning 
cartridges, etc..

That's about it..

- Juha

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