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Re: [OT] mutt colors vs. TERM types

On Wed, 28 Feb 2001, will trillich wrote:

> when using mutt under termtype 'linux' (i.e. `setenv TERM linux`)
> mutt's headers and 'active selection' bars flash, driving me
> nuts. when i change to `setenv TERM vt220-color` it's a nice,
> calm green and blue, with no flash.

Since vt220-color is not a "real" term type. Is this
the terminfo I (cmosley) gave you or someone quite a while ago for an
apple vt220 emulation - the problem being that you could not get color
using the standard vt220 ? Or maybe something you put together yourself?

In reference to the other response.  Isn't the COLORTERM env variable used
by programs compiled with slang (instead of *curses) to force color when
not explicit in the terminfo. 

> but then less complains that my terminal type 'is not fully
> functional' (reminds me of the tasha yar/data tryst on NextGen).
> anybody got some ideas on how to have mutt display colors without
> the flash mode?
> here's the relevant portion of ~/.muttrc --
> 	# COLORS (thanks to flubber@xmission.com !)
> 	color  hdrdefault      brightgreen     black
> 	color  header          brightyellow    black   "^from:"
> 	mono   header          bold                    "^from:"
> 	color  header          brightyellow    black   "^subject:"
> 	mono   header          bold                    "^subject:"
> 	color  header          brightcyan      black  "^to:"
> 	color  header          brightcyan      black  "^date:"
> 	color  header          brightcyan      black  "^x-mailer:"
> 	color  quoted          white           black
> 	color  signature       brightgreen     black
> 	color  indicator       brightblue      brightgreen
> 	color  error           brightred       black
> 	mono   error           bold
> 	color  status          brightgreen     brightblue
> 	color  tree            brightmagenta   black
> 	color  tilde           brightmagenta   black
> 	color  body            brightyellow    black (((ht|f)tps?)|mailto):(//)?[^\ "\t]*|www\.[-a-z0-9.]+)[^\ .,;\t>">]
> 	mono   body            bold (((ht|f)tps?)|mailto):(//)?[^\ "\t]*|www\.[-a-z0-9.]+)[^\ .,;\t>">]
> 	color  body            brightwhite     black "[-a-z_0-9.]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+"
> 	mono   body            bold "[-a-z_0-9.]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+"
> 	color  body            brightyellow    black   "^Good signature"
> 	mono   body            bold                    "^Good signature"
> 	color  body            brightwhite     red     "^Bad signature from.*"
> 	mono   body            bold                    "^Bad signature from.*"
> -- 
> It is always hazardous to ask "Why?" in science, but it is often
> interesting to do so just the same.
> 		-- Isaac Asimov, 'The Genetic Code'
> will@serensoft.com
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