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TCP failover in software

I am setting up some machines with libnss-ldap to replace /etc/passwd with 
LDAP access for centralised account administration.
I am concerned at what will happen if the LDAP server goes down or 
experiences a network failure.  I have a secondary LDAP configured but I need 
a way to use it if the primary fails.

It seems that libnss-ldap does not support this (I have reported a wishlist 
bug already).

Is there any software in Debian which can do this for me?  I imagine that it 
wouldn't be THAT difficult to write a program to listen on a port and then 
when a connection comes in it could make a connection to one of two other 
addresses based on which machine is running reliably.

If there is no such software then I'll have to write a program myself.

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