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Re: IBM Thinkpad install

Cool, I thought it might be that, but I just wasn't sure. He's only got 8 MB ?!!  Can you believe they even made computers with that much ;-).

What's the work around?  Is there any way to copy the floppies directly onto the hard drive without being on a network (he doesn't have a modem/nic for it) and then just doing it from the hard drive?  Does that even eliminate the memory problem or do I need to tell him to pick up some memory?  Perhaps grab one of my slink disks and install that then dist-upgrade?  What do you think?


At Thu, 22 Feb 2001 08:19:34 -0800 , Nate Amsden <aphro@portal.aphroland.org> wrote: 

>Jesse Goerz wrote:
>> I'm trying to help a friend of mine install Debian 2.2r0 onto an IBM Thinkpad
>> 365XD.  It boots the rescue disk just fine using the default options, but
>> when I try to boot the second floppy (root.bin) it gives me the following
>> error:
>> VM: do_try_to_free_pages
>system is out of memory. known kernel bug(started in 2.2.11) how much
>do you have? the lowest end machine ive ever installed debian 2.2 on is
>a 64mb machine.
>ICQ: 75132336

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