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Re: Rebooting is foolish ....

SamBozo Debian User <peacemkr@wcc.net> wrote:
>	Recently there were comments made as to the "foolishness" of rebooting
>just to reset an edited config file. How about a list of the cli entrys
>that would have accomplished this? Are there different ones for
>different config files? SHUP something? blabla stop/start/restart????

Almost always, '/etc/init.d/foo restart' will do the job. If it isn't a
daemon, then just quit and restart.

The only exceptions I can think of offhand are /etc/lilo.conf, where you
need to run /sbin/lilo and then reboot if you want the new kernel to be
loaded (of course :)), and /etc/inittab, where 'telinit q' will reload

>	It's a wonderful thing to already know all this... how about sharing?
>And if the standard RTFM reply is to be used ... please specify which
>freaking manual we are refering to reading.

Heh. If I use a bare "RTFM" without saying which one, do remind me ...
it's easy to forget when it's ages since you read it first.

There's a surprising amount of information in the Debian FAQ
(http://www.debian.org/doc/FAQ/); I'm not sure if this specific question
is answered there, but I'm willing to bet the maintainer(s) would
welcome additions and improvements to it.


Colin Watson                                     [cjw44@flatline.org.uk]

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