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Re: how do i configure network settings?

There's a new program in unstable, netconf.  You can go through the
initial setup again with dpkg-reconfigure base-config.  The "manual" way
to set things up is to edit /etc/network/interfaces

Make sure the following is in there:

auto lo eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

then run /etc/init.d/networking restart

This oughta get your card up

On Sat, 10 Feb 2001 BizarroBum@netscape.net wrote:

>the kernel in the potato install didn't detect my 3com mini pci(3c556B)
>ethernet card on my T20, so i compiled the 2.4.1 kernel and now it
>detects it.  but the problem is i still can't get on the net because i
>didn't configure networking during install... so what program can i run
>to configure networking?  and how do i configure the network when the
>network gives my dynamic ips?
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Who is John Galt?  galt@inconnu.isu.edu

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