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Re: rebuilding dpkg db from manual compiled stuff

>>>>> "Bram" == Bram Dumolin <bram-debian@grmbl.net> writes:

    Bram> 1) How do you rebuild the dpkg db on a system where there
    Bram> are so many self-compiled/installed programs that you lost
    Bram> track of it.  I mean, is there a simple way of checking them
    Bram> in the db, so you can upgrade easily to the newest versions
    Bram> or do you have to install the debs and then remove your
    Bram> originally compiled programs.


    Bram> 2) Is there a way to update the dpkg db, with your own
    Bram> program info.  Without creating a .deb.  ex: I installed x
    Bram> from sources and of course there isn't anything in my system
    Bram> except the binaries and the config files, that show that I
    Bram> installed it.  Can I manually add that to the dpkg db? Or
    Bram> should I just edit some files in /var/lib/dpkg ?

You should install packages like this under /usr/local.

Also see the "stow" package.
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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