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I fixed my problem with X.

I contacted libranet, and they gave me a setup util for use with potato.  I forgot the url, but I'm sure if you folks e-mail them, they will give it out (if not, please tell me).  (in case you were wondering about their distro, the support is sometimes just plain ignorant, yet at other times sheer brilliance.  the setup itself is a pretty good system, but be wary of pre-install support, they can be antsy as hell.  They actually have a download available every so often apparently (yet not as of this writing, which stinks rather.)

In any case, after obtaining this, I had to mv /usr/bin/X11/X, and replace it with a symlink to XFree86.

Then I ran xf86config, saved the file, ran XFree86 --configure ort some such (check the linuxnewbie.com article), and copied the modules section over into my XF86COnfig-4 file, EXCEPT I DISABLED LOADING DRI!!!!
that is important.  for some reason failure to do so
causes flickering (at least with my ATI Xpert 2000 (rage 128 chipset)).

I do, however, add the probeclocks and accel options to the device section.

- Dan

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