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Re: Help

Stewart James Leonard wrote:
> Just wondering if there is someone out there willing to teach a
> new dog some old tricks?

ktb wrote:
> Part of being a Linux user is teaching yourself how to use Linux.

I will absolutely agree with this comment.  I've learned how to use
UNIX and Linux this way from the very start.  I didn't have a computer
in college, but we had 24hr access to the DEC 420 Terminals in what we
called "The Fishbowl," a study room next to the library.  Funny how
the memory of my "geeking out" on the old orange-screen terminals
prompted a friend to recommend me as a candidate for a new programming
position to his employer two months after I graduated college -- with
a Biochemistry degree. ;-)

Now, to give you some ideas on resources.  Kent gave you a couple good
ones too (listed 1 and 4).

    1.  Debian GNU/Linux: Guide to Installation and Usage
            This book used to be published by New Riders, but has
            since been removed from publishing.  The link given you
            was the on-line version.
    2.  Install all of the -doc packages for any software you install
            (if they have a -doc package).
    3.  Install these Documentation packages and access them locally:
            * task-newbie-help (installs doc-base, debian-guide,
            * task-doc (installs many listed below)
            * ldp-sag
            * doc-linux-text or doc-linux-html
                Installs HOWTO's available at http://www.linuxdoc.org
            * doc-debian
            * kernel-doc-<version installed>
            * bash-doc
                Learn about the bash shell and get good examples
            * manpages, man-db
            * info
    4. Use Kent's suggestion and get involved with LUG's
    5. GOOGLE!
    6. IRC: #debian on Open Projects Network

Good luck!

1. http://www.newriders.com/debian/html/noframes/ 
2. apt-cache search '(-doc)' | sort | more
3. apt-cache show <package>
4. http://www.linux.org/users/index.html
5. http://www.google.com
6. apt-get install epic4; epic4 <nickname>; (in IRC) /join #debian

Chad Walstrom <chewie@wookimus.net>                 | a.k.a. ^chewie
http://www.wookimus.net/                            | s.k.a. gunnarr
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