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more FreeBSD and Debian Linux


Here is the basic (e.g. no details) list I've put together for installing
FreeBSD next to Debian. My emphasis at this point is not winding up with
a system which will not boot and/or on which my Debian install becomes
unusable. My impulse is to jump in, but I'd rather be prepared.

Can anyone tell me if there are colossal holes here?

1. create BSD partition with GNU Parted
2. add BSD entry to lilo.conf
3. copy FreeBSD boot floppy images to disks
4. reboot using FreeBSD boot floppies
5. install FreeBSD via FTP
6. reboot, enjoy!

I hope this isn't too OT for the list. My interest with this is largely
self-teaching - that is, I'd like to get paid to work with this stuff one
(fine, distant?) day, and the more 'flavors' I know, the better.


// G l e n n  B e c k e r                                                |
// I don't wanna kill my china pig.                                      |
// 		-- Captain Beefheart                                     |  
// glenn@scifi.com                                                       | 

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