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Re: crontab ?

> On Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 01:56:02PM +0000, Justin B Rye wrote:
>> This is a strange way to want to set a crontab...

Dave Sherohman wrote:
> Actually, considering that it's how crontab expects to work if no flags are
> given, I suspect that `crontab <filename>` is the most historically standard/
> normal way to use it.

Doh, yes - just like ln is "normally" used for creating hard links!

>> Why do you want to do this anyway?  Isn't it simpler to edit the
>> crontab directly with "crontab -e"?
> Don't know if it's why the OP was doing it this way but potato's elvis
> returns an exit status of 1 even if it exits cleanly.  crontab sees this,
> assumes an error, and doesn't update anything.  So, if elvis is your default
> editor, `crontab -e` doesn't work.  (This has been fixed in woody.)

Wasn't the problem that "crontab -e" did work and "crontab <file>"

(If it *is* an editor problem, the solution is of course to start
with "export EDITOR=emacs" - or nano, or whatever - though if you can
write working crontabs, odds are you'll probably know this.)
Justin B Rye - writing from but not for Datacash Ltd

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