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Re: curious: Re: running another X from within X

Xucaen wrote:
> Hi all, curious here,
> is there a practicle reason for doing this? What
> is the purpose?
> xucaen

I am using win4lin to run mswindows applications (in fact, mswindows
itself) from within linux.  You can run the mswindows session in a
window in X, or you can start a new X session and run the mswindows
session full screen within it.  There is a script called "win" that does
the former, and a script called "fwin" that does the latter.  However,
in order for "fwin" to work, you have to drop down to a console and run
it.  I would like to have an icon that will run "fwin" from within X,
transporting the user to the new X session.  "fwin" uses xinit to
initiate the new session and that's what is giving me the following

X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting.
xinit:  unexpected signal 2

> --- "David B. Harris" <dbarclay10@yahoo.ca>
> wrote:
> > The first X session's display is :0 . You have
> > to tell 'startx' to start
> > a new X session, on a display other that :0.
> > For instance,
> >
> > startx -- :1
> >
> > Would start a second X session, accessible by
> > CTRL+ALT+F8. You can also
> > embed an X session in a window; 'man Xnest' for
> > more info.
> >

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