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Gcc, Objective-C


Sorry for this question that perhaps doesn't really suit to the
debian-mailing list. But If someone has some advice, I would be great.

I want to write a mathematical program (so no plateform dependencies)
which used to be in Fortran 90. I want to switch to a real language.
One of my choice is Objective-C. I mainly developp under Linux and MacOsX,
and my program will finally run under a SGI Octane with IRIX 6.5.

I have some basic questions :
-On Objective-C
 1) Is this language growing or dying ?
 2) Is it easy to write some code in Objective-C that talk to other
    programs written in C and C++ ?

-On the Free Objective-C compiler from Gcc.
 1) Will it be available on IRIX (Does gcc will compile easily) ?
 2) Is this compiler good ?

-On Objective-C and GTK
 1) Is the GTK libraries for Objective-C good, and is the project still
    alive ?

Thank you for your help on any of these questions

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