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Re: dpkg on other OSs

Stephen Carpenter <scarpe01@emerald.tufts.edu> wrote:
>at work we are looking into package management for sysadmin stuff that we
>do. Its not really my project but, as a debian supporter and a true believer
>in dpkg being better than rpm or anything else that I have seen, I am
>pushing for dpkg to be used. 
>Mainly we are looking at using it under Solaris right now. I found
>a few old references scattered on the web to people doing this, and
>so far the best thing that I can see is to just dive into the dpkg
>source and have a go at compiling it etc.
>In any case, I figured I would throw out a message and ask, who is
>doing this right now? Any successes or caveats? Really any information
>would be great to help out. 

I don't know of anybody actively doing it, but as I understand it the
dpkg code is fairly portable. I remember hearing of people getting it to
compile under HP-UX, and Solaris is a good deal closer to Linux than
that. If you have problems getting it bootstrapped, most of the
interested people read debian-dpkg@lists.debian.org and will probably be
happy to help.

Watch out for how this interacts with Solaris' own system, of course.
Are you planning to use this as a means of managing /usr/local or

Colin Watson                                     [cjw44@flatline.org.uk]

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