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Re: More legacy/proprietry app headaches.

Thanks eric, but unfortunately this did not help.

I am thinking that the library is probaly fine, maybe it has something
todo with something else. Seeing as how it finds all the other libs.

I was hoping that someone on this list was running nscal as that would
atleast be a ray of hope, but alas so far no one has stuck their hands up.

Hoping theres an answer,


On Tue, 9 Jan 2001, Eric G . Miller wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 09:36:32AM +1100, Stewart James wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > New problem with not only a proprietry app, but a old one.
> >
> > Netscape calendar client doiesn't want to play with Debian. Even worse
> > this is a product that Netscape has dropped which means a big fat zero
> > support wise. I can assure anyone who tries to help that it can run under
> > redhat and mandrake.
> >
> > I have installed all the stuff for libc5.
> >
> > nscal just reports, can not load libXpm.so.4. doing and ldd ./nscal tells
> > me it can not find that lib. a ldconfig -v | grep Xpm tells me the library
> > is alive and well.
> There is the xpm4g package in stable.  Did you try that?  I don't think
> it's in unstable anymore (think X 4.0 provides it now).  The library
> itself should live in /usr/X11R6/lib/.

Stewart James                      Systems Programmer
Victoria University            Information Technology
------== Sent via PINE 4.30 running on Linux ==------

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      your request as failure to comprehend it.
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