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Re: [2.4.0] migration to devfs

> > chgrp wheel /dev/somedevice
> > chmod 660 /dev/somedevice 
> > 
> > and have it stick.  (past reboots)
> With devfsd this is also very simple possible.

Can you give us a rundown on how to get this to work?  I followed the
instructions in the README but the permissions and owner/group bits never
stayed the way I wanted them.  (eg: root.audio for all of /dev/sound,
root.video for all of /dev/v4l, etc).  I'm using the devfsd from unstable

Also, I use the NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.0.1 driver.  This driver needs
five entries in /dev to work.  I can't get devfs to keep those entries 
there across reboots.  I made a script to do make those entries every time
the system is booted but I'm sure there is a prorper way of doing it.  

Any help?  Thanks.

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