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FYI: using logitech cordless keyboard extra keys in X4


Maybe this is interesting for people with a Logitech Itouch or Cordless
keyboard that is equipped with a dozen extra keys for controlling audio
and internet related things. I'm using a cordless keyboard, XFree86 4.01
and the sawfish window manager (debian unstable).

First step is to configure X so that it knows about the extra keys. This
version of X already comes with some knowledge about them so we just
have to enable it. In the XF86Config file, XkbModel to "logicordless"
(or "itouch"). Restart X. You can now check whether it works or not by
using the 'xev' utility: while running it, you should see things like
"XF86Standby" in its output when pressing the "sleep" key.

Second step is to go to the shortcuts section of the sawfish
configuration in the gnome control panel. Using "add" and "grab", I
entered the following shortcuts:

XF86AudioLowerVolume -> Run shell command: amixer set Master 1-
XF86AudioRaiseVolume -> Run shell command: amixer set Master 1+
XF86AudioPlay -> Run shell command: xmms -u
XF86AudioNext -> Run shell command: xmms -f
XF86AudioPrev -> Run shell command: xmms -r
XF86AudioStop -> Run shell command: xmms -s
XF86Standby -> Gnome logout
XF86Mail -> Run shell command: evolution
XF86HomePage -> Run shell command: gnome-moz-remote --newwin ""
XF86Search -> Run shell command: gnome-moz-remote --newwin

I left the mute key out, as I haven't found a way yet to actually toggle
it on and off (I know you can mute it with amixer set Master mute and
unmute with amixer set Master unmute, but you'd need an extra script to
have it toggling between those values).


PS It Works For Me (tm) :-)

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