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Re: normalizing mp3s under debian/linux

ok, thanks a lot to you all.

Here´s what I did:

find . -regex ".*\ .*" -exec kickspaces.sh {} \;


NEW=`echo $OLD | sed s/"\ "/"_"/g`

mv -v -i "$OLD" $NEW

to kick all of the spaces in the files (I always intended to do so 
sometimes and now was the "some"time ;-) )

I`m now making another backup of all my mp3´s and then will run


for MP3FILE in `find . -name '*.mp3'`; do
        FILE=`echo $MP3FILE | sed s/"\.mp3$"//`
        echo "converting: $FILE to WAV"
        /usr/bin/nice /usr/bin/mpg123 -w $FILE.wav $MP3FILE 
        echo "...done"
        echo "normalizing $FILE."
        /usr/bin/nice /usr/bin/normalize -a 0.25 -n -v $FILE.wav
        echo "..done"
        mv $MP3FILE $MP3FILE.bak
        /usr/bin/nice /usr/bin/gogo -v 9 -b 128 $FILE.wav
        echo "**********************"
        echo " "

When I´m done with some test-files I´m coming back and´ll tell you how 
the quality suffered ;-) (and will proceeed accordingly or restore from 
backup ;-) ).

And to the point of loosing information when fiddling with the volume: 
I usually copy randmon mp3s to my rio and it´s _absolutely_ annoying to 
have to adjust the volume for each&every song...on the other hand, most 
of it´s rock & heavy metal so it a little quality loss doesn´t really 
matter at all.

again: tnx!
/  Ing. Robert Waldner  | Network Engineer | T: +43 1 89933  F: x533 \ 
\ <Waldner@KPNQwest.at> |    KPNQwest/AT   | Diefenbachg. 35, A-1150 / 

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