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Re: why not dselect (i now know the answer)

On Thu 07 Dec 00,  8:45 AM, Colin Watson said...
> Peter Jay Salzman <p@dirac.org> wrote:
> >i just removed netscape from my system.
> >
> >an error flashed by during the remove, and quickly was replaced by the
> >main dselect menu.  i saw enough to know that SOME directory couldn't
> >be deleted, but i don't know which one or why.
> Those errors are often spurious, especially if you're purging and
> they're directories containing conffiles that haven't been removed yet.
not good enough.  i _want_ to see them.

> >at the very least dselect should prompt you to "enter a key" when an
> >error occurs...
> Normally in my experience it does, but at any rate you'll notice that
> when you quit dselect the screen with errors on it is restored (unless
> there's something screwy with your terminal, that is).
not these errors.

i appreciate the fact that some errors are more serious than others.  that
doesn't give dselect the right to enforce its idea of "importancy" on me.

i maintain that dselect should be showing me these errors.  and barring
that, i maintain that it should give me the option of seeing them, which it
currently doesn't.


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