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Re: Command to determine resolution

On Thu, Nov 30, 2000 at 09:54:26PM -0500, David Z Maze wrote:

> Karsten M Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com> writes:
> KMS> I note that my system is running at 75 dpi.  Will 100 dpi give more or
> KMS> less resolution, and how do I set resolution anyway?
> That number is basically a measurement of how big fonts are; a bigger
> number means you'll have larger fonts.  On a 75dpi display, a 72-point 
> font will be 75 pixels high, but it would be 100 pixels high on a
> 100dpi display.  (Because it's trying to be "one inch" tall, and
> that's its concept of how big "one inch" is.)

If I understand you correctly you are saying that using -dpi 75 informs
an application which wants to display a 72 point font that it will be
allowed 75 pixels whereas with -dpi 100 it will get 100 pixels.  Having
spent some time in the recent past playing with this setting I have to
wonder why it is then that changing it on my system does not alter the
font size on the screen at all with the majority of applications I use.
There may be others, but only I have found only Lyx, August and Ted to
respond to an alteration in the dpi switch.

This may not be correct, but the only explanation I can think of to
account for this behaviour is that most applications do not use the dpi
value sent to the X server.

email: brian@copernicus.demon.co.uk

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