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Re: Secured FTP?

Use sftp--it's just a nice ftp frontend for scp that acts like a regular ftp
client.  I use it just about every day to put stuff on my webserver.


Peczoli Zoltan wrote:

> hi,
> Thanks, maybe it's just me but I don't see how to reach my goals using
> scp:
> 1. security (both passwords and data) - scp ok.
> 2. separate authentication (file transfer users have nothing to do with
>    system users)
> 3. home jail (users cannot explore the file system but their own homes)
> (4. M$ non-operating systems should have client program)
> scp does the first one but what's with the three remaining ones?
> i was advised to user sftp, but the case is just like with scp.
> > You can use scp, secure copy, included with openssh.  It has the same syntax
> > as rsh, but traffic is entrypted.
> >
> > Jason
> Suggestions?
> Bye:
>       pocok
> --
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"I was on a Boston to New York shuttle flight that gets stuck on the runway for 3 hours
with no explanation. Worse, I'm sitting in front of three idiot consultants from Razorfish
who spend the whole time talking loudly and incessantly. Remarkably, not one word of it
resembled any productive activity in the slightest. 'So, I conducted a series of group
discussion sessions to quantify how they establish their procedures.' 'But, Bianca, how
did you formulate the framework for evaluating their paradigms?'
        My favorite line - Bianca is irate because a client asked her for some concrete
bit of information: 'Can you believe that? Hello? I'm an Information Architect, not a
Knowledge Engineer!'" --dump() on slashdot

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