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Re: mixer defaults

>>>>> "Tim" == Anderson, Tim TL33E <Tim.Anderson@ace-ina.com> writes:

    Tim> Hi, My sound defaults to a very low level in GNOME for some reason.  I
    Tim> set it to maximum in the GNOME mixer, and saved the settings.  This
    Tim> only seems to save the settings for the mixer program itself though,
    Tim> meaning I have to run the mixer on startup for the settings to
    Tim> actually be applied.  Is there a way to change the default volume at a
    Tim> lower level than running a mixer program, like changing a config file
    Tim> somewhere?  Or would I need to run a terminal-based mixer from a
    Tim> startup script?  Thanks for any help.

You can probably just have the GNOME mixer run when you log in.  If you have
GNOME set up to save the session when you log out, I believe you can just keep
the mixer running when you log out, and then when you log back in, the mixer
will start up again.  If you don't have GNOME saving your session, you can get
it to manually save the session (GNOME menu->Programs->Settings->Session->
Save Current Session).

Also, aumix is a (console-based) mixer, which saves mixer settings across
reboots.  "apt-get install aumix"

If you're brave (and if they support your sound card), you can also try the
alsa drivers.  Alsa also saves mixer settings.


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