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Re: LaTeX and PDF-files

> I tried to convert my .tex-files to pdf with the pdflatex-command. This
> works great for text-only documents. It seems that pdflatex cannot
> include pictures (they are ok., latex --> xdvi shows them...). Do I have
> to include them in a special format (I tried .bmp, .png, .ps as input;
> latex --> dvi makes it all, but pdflatex just leaves space...)
> How can I do this?

I've had more luck with the ps2pdf script that comes with most
versions of ghostscript. So you could create the PS file first in the
normal way and then run the script to create the PDF file.

The web-page of the National Science Foundation in the US has a set of
very detailed instructions about PS to PDF conversion (dealing with
the issue of font-embedding especially). They recommend the following
command-line options:

ps2pdf -dMaxSubsetPct=100 -dCompatibilityLevel=1.2 -dSubsetFonts=true -dEmbedAllFonts=true

Now that's what I call a command-line. Of course you can wrap all this
up in a little script handily enough ...


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