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Re: Sorry

On Mon 11 Dec 00, 11:36 AM, Dale Kosan said...
> Pete,
>     Thanks for your help, sorry I did not know I had to watch my format of sentences and paragraphs.I will be more careful in the future. : )
well, you don't really have to do anything you don't want to.   right now,
you're using Windows and Microsoft Office to read your mail.   we're all
using linux software which doesn't put artificial constructs like newlines
when one doesn't exist.

the best way to get help or to say thank you to someone who has offered
assistance is to make your emails readable.  this is sort of how i see your


>         I assume the file you are talking about editing is the xf86config file? I will check this out when I get home this evening.I come from a Windows background and have been using Mandrake for the last 3 months and all this was configured for me.I just purchased Linux In A Nutshell and Linux Unleashed.I have some learning ahead of me !

yup, the /etc/x11/xf86config file.

> Could you tell me where to get the Netscape Debs? I don't see them on the Debian ftp site or the Netscape site.Thanks in advance.

try using dselect.  search for something like netscape-base-whatever.
install it, and dselect will work out dependencies for you.

also, not to brow beat you, but when you reply to a mailing list, it is
absolutely crucial that you keep the subject intact.  many of us are using
mutt, which threads email based on the subject line.  i myself dump email
without reading it with meaningless subjects like "help" or "this doesn't
work"  or "i need assistance". 

i just happened to recognize your name, so i read your email.


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