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Re: have I broken apt-get?!!!

>>>>> "Colin" == Colin Watson <cjw44@flatline.org.uk> writes:

    Colin> dgriswol@mail.smu.edu wrote:
    >> I'm not sure what happened, but things are really screwed up
    >> with apt after a recent apt-get upgrade sequence.

    Colin> [snip]

    >> /var/lib/dpkg/info/leafnode.postrm: /usr/sbin/update-inetd: No
    >> such file or directory

    Colin> The interpreter for /usr/sbin/update-inetd is
    Colin> /usr/bin/perl, and there've been various minor bugs in
    Colin> various core packages in woody recently which have
    Colin> sometimes combined to cause /usr/bin/perl to
    Colin> disappear. However, you should have a copy of it close by;
    Colin> /usr/bin/perl.dist is probable, or perhaps it may be in
    Colin> /usr/bin/perl-5.005 or /usr/bin/perl-5.6 (as
    Colin> appropriate). Simply move (in the case of perl.dist) or
    Colin> symlink (in the other cases) this to /usr/bin/perl, and you
    Colin> should be able to upgrade again.

    Colin> Cheers,

    Colin> -- Colin Watson [cjw44@flatline.org.uk]


Excellent! That did it!

Thank you,

Dan Griswold

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