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RE: create a update-media?

On 22-Nov-2000 M G Berberich wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to make a CD/MO that contains all the packages that I have
> installed on my system, but are not on my potato-debian-CD's. E.g. all
> the updated packages. I would like to use this CD/MO as another source
> for apt/dselect.
> Is there a way to build such a disk, or at least a list of the
> required packages?

dpkg --get-selections > file.  That is every package that has seen your
machines state.  Save all the entries that are marked 'install'.

dpkg --set-selections < file, apt-get dselect-upgrade will then make a newly
installed machine have the same package selections.  Note it will not remove
existing packages, just add new ones.  However you could easily add lines like
'foo purge' if you wanted to always remove a certain package.

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