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vtwm won't show icon manager no way no how

I  broke  my vtwm!  It  will no  longer  automatically  show the  icon
manager, no matter what nice things  I say to it. 
Anybody else had this?

####### file <.twmrc>
# $XConsortium: system.twmrc,v 1.7 89/12/01 11:23:47 jim Exp $
# Default twm configuration file; needs to be kept small to conserve string
# space in systems whose compilers don't handle medium-sized strings.
# Sites should tailor this file, providing any extra title buttons, menus, etc.
# that may be appropriate for their environment.  For example, if most of the
# users were accustomed to uwm, the defaults could be set up not to decorate
# any windows and to use meta-keys.

ClearBevelContrast 25
BorderBevelWidth 2
BorderWidth 0
Zoom 0
DefaultFunction f.menu "Main Menu"
# IconManagerGeometry "169x138-0+0" 1
IconManagerGeometry "400x138-0+0" 1
#IconRegion "1000x100-0-0" South West 1 1
MoveDelta 1
XorValue 65535
IconDirectory "/usr/X/include/X11/bitmaps"
#IconDirectory "/usr/local/mouseX/include/bitmaps"
#IconDirectory "/usr/openwin/include/X11/bitmaps"
UnknownIcon "xlogo32"

# First select your fonts
IconFont 	"-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--*-80-*-*-*-*-*-*"
#IconManagerFont "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-80-*-*-*"
#IconManagerFont "-adobe-times-*-r-*-*-*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*"
#IconManagerFont "-adobe-times-medium-r-*-*-14-130-*-*-*-74-*-*"
IconManagerFont "7x13"
#MenuFont 	"-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*"
#MenuFont 	"-adobe-times-medium-r-*-*-14-130-*-*-*-74-*-*"
MenuFont 	"7x13"
ResizeFont 	"-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*"
#TitleFont 	"-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*"
TitleFont       "-adobe-times-medium-r-*-*-14-130-*-*-*-74-*-*"

# Next your colors
	BorderColor "grey35"
#	BorderColor "white"
#	{
# 		"xclock"           "black"
# 		"xbiff"            "black"
# 		"xload"	           "black"
# 		"xconsole"         "black"
# 		"TWM"              "black"
# 		"TWM Icon Manager" "black"
# 		"TimeTracker 1.98 " "black"
#	}
#  	BorderTileBackground "grey50"
#  	BorderTileForeground "grey15"
  	BorderTileBackground "black"
  	BorderTileForeground "black"
		"TimeTracker 1.98 " "black"
	DefaultForeground "grey50"
	DefaultBackground "black"
	IconBackground "black"
	IconBorderColor "black"
	IconForeground "black"
	IconManagerBackground "black"
#	IconManagerForeground "grey35"
	IconManagerForeground "green"
	IconManagerHighlight "grey50"
	MenuBackground "black"
	MenuForeground "green"
#	MenuForeground "grey50"
	MenuShadowColor "black"
	MenuTitleBackground "grey50"
	MenuTitleForeground "black"
	TitleBackground "grey35"
	TitleForeground "black"
	DesktopDisplayBackground "black"

	Frame         "top_left_arrow"
	Title         "top_left_arrow"
	Icon          "top_left_arrow"
	IconMgr       "top_left_arrow"
	Move          "fleur"
	Resize        "sizing"
	Menu          "sb_left_arrow"
	Button        "hand2"
	Wait          "spider"
	Select        "dot"
	Destroy       "pirate"

WindowRing {



#  IconManagerDontShow
#  {
#  #    "xconsole"
#      "xlassie"
#      "tkbiff"
#      "Cardfiler"
#      "Calculator"
#      "Composition"
#      "Information"
#      "xbiff"
#      "xcalc"
#      "oclock"
#      "xclock"
#      "xbuffy"	
#      "session"
#      "xdir"
#      "xload"
#      "xpostit"
#      "swisswatch"
#      "TimeTracker 1.98 "
#  #   "Netscape: __fox"
#  }

    "xfig"  "xfig.icon"
    "rxvt" "rxvt.icon"

#  NoRaiseOnWarp
#  {
#  	"session"
#  }
#  NoTitle
#  {
##  "rxvt"
#    "emacs"
#    "Netscape"
#    "TimeTracker 1.98 "
#    "VTWM"
#      "TWM"
#    "xbiff"
#    "xclock"
#    "oclock"
#    "xbuffy"
#    "xload"
#    "xpostit"
#    "VTWM Icon Manager"
#    "TWM Icon Manager"
#    "xconsole"
#    "CONSOLE"
#    "asclock"
#  }

  "VTWM Icon Manager"
# Unfortunately, the following applies to man pages as well as the browser:

#	"Netscape: Find"
	"Netscape: Bookmark Properties"
	"VTWM Icon Manager"

#  WarpCursor { 
#  	"Netscape: Find"	
#  }

############################## FUNCTIONS ##################################

Function "mo-twink"
	f.exec "exec twink"

Function "mo-tin"
    f.exec "rxvt -iconic -T news -n news -e tin &"

Function "mo-netscape"
#    f.exec "netscape -iconic &"
    f.exec "netscape &"

Function "mo-warpto-iconmgr"
    f.warpto "VTWM Icon Manager"

Function "mo-connect"
    f.exec "diald-connect"

Function "mo-force"
	f.exec "diald-force"

Function "mo-unforce"
	f.exec "diald-unforce"

Function "mo-block"
	f.exec "diald-block"

Function "mo-unblock"
	f.exec "diald-unblock"

Function "mo-hangup"
    f.exec "diald-hangup"

Function "mo-dialup"
    f.exec "connect"

Function "mo-gnus"
#    f.exec "emacs -name Gnus -title Gnus -l ~/.gnus -f gnus-unplugged &"
#    f.exec "e -notty -force-new -iconic -name Gnus -title Gnus -l ~/.gnus -f gnus &"
    f.exec "e -notty -force-new -iconic -name Gnus -title Gnus -l ~/.gnus -f gnus &"

Function "mo-irc"
    f.exec "rxvt -geometry +514+349 -fn fixed -sl 1024 -si -sk -T irc -n irc -e irc &"

Function "mo-top"
    f.exec "rxvt -T top -n top -e top &"

Function "mo-random-root"
	f.exec "random-root &"

Function "mo-boss-key"
	f.exec "xsetroot -default"

Function "mo-mail"
    f.exec "rxvt -T mail -n mail -e pine -i &"
#	f.exec "rxvt -T mail -n mail -e mutt &"
    f.warpto "mail" # why don't this work?

Function "mo-e"
#	f.exec "e -notty -iconic&"
	f.exec "e -notty &"
	f.warpto "Emacs"

Function "mo-remote-xterm"
	f.exec "rxvt -iconic -T cascade -n cascade -e ssh -l majewski cascade.cs.ubc.ca &"
	f.warpto "cascade"

Function "mo-root-xterm"
	f.exec "rxvt -T root@`hostname` -n root@`hostname` -e su -l &"

Function "mo-lynx"
#	f.exec "rxvt -iconic -geometry 83x47 -T lynx -n lynx -e lynx -book &"
	f.exec "rxvt -T lynx -n lynx -e lynx -book &"

Function "mo-xterm"
	f.exec "rxvt -T `hostname` -n `hostname` &"

Function "mo-warp"
    f.warpring "next"

############### MOTION FUNCTIONS ######################

Function "mo-raise-or-deiconify"

Function "mo-iconify"

Function "move-or-raiselower"
  f.move  f.deltastop

Function "move-or-lower"        

Function "move-or-raise"        

Function "move-or-iconify"      

Function "iconify-console"      
  f.warpto "console"	 

#################### KEYBOARD CONTROLS #########################

# here we define a few things to manip windows from keyboard.
# note this was originally just copied out of the twm man page.
# following is jetset's stuff, which doesn't really apply here...

# MS Windows look&smell
"Tab"	= m	:window | title | icon | frame | iconmgr :f.function "mo-warp"
"Tab"	= m	:root	:f.function "mo-warpto-iconmgr"

# no idea what this is
"1"	= m	: all		: f.warpto "console"
"1"	= m s	: all		: f.function "iconify-console"

# keypad window paging
"Left"    = c       : all          : f.backiconmgr
"Right"   = c       : all          : f.forwiconmgr
#"Up"      = c       : all          : f.raiselower
"Up"      = c       : all          : f.function "mo-raise-or-deiconify"
#"Down"    = c       : all          : f.iconify
"Down"    = c       : all          : f.function "mo-iconify"

"Up"      = m       : all          : f.zoom
"Down"    = m       : all          : f.zoom

### Function key bindings
# Reserve the first three function keys for Emacs and others
"F4"     =         : all	  : f.function "mo-xterm"
"F5"	 =         : all	  : f.function "mo-e" 
"F6"     =         : all          : f.function "mo-mail"
"F7"	 =	   : all	  : f.restart
"F8"	 =	   : all	  : f.function "mo-twink"
"F9"	 =	   : all	  : f.function "mo-gnus"
"F10"    =         : all          : f.function "mo-netscape"
"F11"    =         : all          : f.function "mo-remote-xterm"
"F12"    =         : all          : f.function "mo-root-xterm"

# other key window paging
#"semicolon"    = c       : all          : f.backiconmgr
#"Return"        = c       : all            : f.forwiconmgr
#"bracketleft"  = c       : all             : f.raiselower
#"apostrophe"   = c       : all             : f.iconify

"Delete" = c m	: all	: f.quit

###################### TITLEBUTTONS ############################

# bitmaps are stored in /usr/include/X11/bitmaps
# ":bitmap" uses internal bitmap
#         (:dot, :xlogo, :iconify, :resize, :question, :delete, :menu)

RightTitleButton        ":delete"       = f.delete
#RightTitleButton        ":menu"         = f.menu "WindowConfig"
#RightTitleButton        ":menu"         = f.menu "XConfig"
LeftTitleButton        "star"          = f.zoom

############################## MOUSE BINDINGS ############################


Button1 =      : root   : f.menu "Main Menu"
Button2 =      : root   : f.menu "Window Services"
Button3 =      : root   : f.menu "TwmWindows"

Button1 =      : title  : f.function "move-or-raiselower"
Button2 =      : title  : f.move
Button3 =      : title  : f.menu "Window Services"

Button1 =      : frame  : f.function "move-or-raiselower"
Button2 =      : frame  : f.move
Button3 =      : frame  : f.menu "Window Services"

Button1 =      : icon   : f.raise
Button2 =      : icon   : f.move
Button3 =      : icon   : f.menu "window-ops"

Button1 = m    : all   : f.function "move-or-raiselower"
#Button2 = m    : all   : f.iconify
Button3 = m    : all   : f.resize
Button3 = m    : all   : f.resize

############################## MENUS #####################################     

menu "Main Menu" 
        "Main Menu"             f.title
	"User-friendly mode"	f.function "mo-twink"
	"Xterm"			f.function "mo-xterm"
	"Cascade"		f.function "mo-remote-xterm"
	"Lynx"			f.function "mo-lynx"
	"Netscape"		f.function "mo-netscape"
	"Emacs"			f.function "mo-e"	
	"Mail"                  f.function "mo-mail"
	"Gnus"			f.function "mo-gnus"
	"Tin"			f.function "mo-tin"
	"Irc"			f.function "mo-irc"
	"Xcalc"                 !"calctool&"
	"Xv"			!"xv &"
	"Gv"			!"gv &"
	"LyX"			!"lyx &"
	"XClipboard"		!"xclipboard &"
	"Gnapster"		!"gnapster &"
	"Gnutella"		!"gtk_gnutella &"
	"StarOffice 52"		!"soffice &"
	" "                     f.nop
	"Audio"                 f.menu "Audio"
#	"CD"                    f.menu "CD"
        "Miscellaneous"         f.menu "Miscellaneous"
        "Games"                 f.menu "Games"          
	"Keyboard"              f.menu "Keyboard"
#	"Modem"                 f.menu "Modem"
#       "Background"	        f.menu "Background"     
#       "Preferences"	        f.menu "Preferences"    
#       "TWM Windows"           f.menu "TwmWindows"
#       "Window Services"       f.menu "Window Services"
        " "                     f.nop
	"Restart TWM"		f.twmrc
        "Quit"                  f.quit
	" "			f.nop
	"Shutdown"              f.menu "Shutdown"

menu "Modem"
    "Hang up"  f.function "mo-hangup"
    "Hang up and block outgoing calls" f.function "mo-block"
    "Unblock outgoing calls" f.function "mo-unblock"
    "Dial up now" f.function "mo-connect"
    "Force link up" f.function "mo-force"
    "Unforce link" f.function "mo-unforce"

menu "CD"
	"CD"                    f.title
	"Play"                  !"cdplay | logger"
	"Stop"                  !"cdstop | logger"
	"Dir"                   !"cdir | logger"
        "Pause"                 !"cdpause | logger"
        "Continue"              !"cdplay resume | logger"
	""                      f.nop 
        "Eject"                 !"cdeject"

menu "Audio"
	"Xmcd"                  !"xmcd -iconic&"
	"Xmix"                  !"xmix &"
	"Xmms"			!"xmms &"
        #"GQmpeg"                !"gqmpeg -iconic&"
	"RealAudio"             !"realplay &"

menu "Keyboard"
    "Keyboard"                  f.title
    "Qwerty"                    !"dvorak --reset"
    "Dvorak"                    !"dvorak --dvorak"
    "Swap Control and Caps Lock" !"swap"

menu "Games"
        "Games"			f.title
	"SimCity3000" !"/usr/local/games/sc3u_demo/sc3u_demo -w &"
	"Nethack"               !"xterm -T nethack -n nethack -e nethack &"
	"Gnu Chess"		!"xboard -xclock -sd 1 -coords &"
	"ICS"			!"rxvt -e xboard -xclock -coords -ics -icshost freechess.org &"
        "Xpat2"	        	!"xpat2&" 
        "Xtrojka"		!"xtrojka&"
        "Xvier" 		!"xvier&"

menu "Window Services"
        "Window Services"	f.title
        "Delete Window"	 	f.delete
        "Close/Open"		f.iconify
        "Move Window"		f.move
        "Resize Window"		f.resize
        "Raise Window to Top"	f.raise
        "Lower Window to Bottom" f.lower
        "Print Window"		!"xwd | xpr -device ps | lpr -JX-WindowPrint &"
        "Redraw Screen"		f.refresh
        "Redraw Window"		f.winrefresh
        "Cut File"		f.cutfile
        "Focus Input on Window"	f.focus
        "Input Follows Mouse"	f.unfocus
        "Move Window Past Edge"	f.forcemove
        "Destroy Window!"	f.destroy

menu "Preferences" 
        "Preferences"			f.title
        "Show Icon Manager"		f.showiconmgr
        "Hide Icon Manager"		f.hideiconmgr
        "Bell Loud"			!"xset b 7&"
        "Bell Normal"			!"xset b 3&"
        "Bell Off"			!"xset b off&"
        "Click Loud"			!"xset c 8&"
        "Click Soft"			!"xset c on&"
        "Click Off"			!"xset c off&"
        "Mouse Fast"			!"xset m 4 2&"
        "Mouse Normal"			!"xset m 2 5&"
        "Mouse Slow"			!"xset m 1 1&"

menu "Background"
        "Crosshatched"	!"xsetroot -default"
        "Black"		!"xsetroot -solid black"
        "Gray"		!"xsetroot -gray"
        "SteelBlue4"	!"xsetroot -solid steelblue4"
	"Random Image"  f.function "mo-random-root"

menu "Miscellaneous" 
        "Miscellaneous"		f.title
	"Top"                   f.function "mo-top"
	"Reread X resources"	!"xrdb ${HOME}/.xresources"
        "TWM Version"		f.version
	"Print environment"	!"set | logger"
#        "Input Follows Mouse"	f.unfocus
#        "Reread .twmrc"		f.twmrc
	"Eject ZIP"		!"eject&"

menu "Shutdown" 
        "Shutdown"		f.title
#	"Daydream"		!"daydream"
 	"Doze"          	!"doze"
	""			f.nop
	"Halt"          	!"halt"
        "Reboot"		!"reboot"

menu "defops"
	"Twm"		f.title
	"ShowIconmgr"	f.showiconmgr
	"HideIconmgr"	f.hideiconmgr
	"Focus"		f.focus
	"Unfocus"	f.unfocus
	"Refresh"	f.refresh
	""		f.nop
	"Indentify"	f.identify
	"Iconify"	f.iconify
	"Resize"	f.resize
	"Move"		f.move
	"Raise"		f.raise
	"Lower"		f.lower
	""		f.nop
	"Kill"		f.destroy
	"Delete"	f.delete
	""		f.nop
	"Restart"	f.restart
	"-------"	f.nop
	"Exit"		f.quit
	"-------"	f.nop

menu "WindowConfig"
  "Window Config"	f.title


menu "XConfig"	
  "X Config"		f.title


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