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Re: apt-get question

Wayde C Gutman <wcgutman@mwpower.net> wrote:
>This what I have gone through so far,
>First tried to apt-get dist-update

That should be dist-upgrade, I hope ...

>with the following in /ect/apt/sources.list,
>ftp://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/dists/potato/main/upgrade-i386/apt 0.3.19
>also tried,

This isn't the format that sources.list lines need to be in. Generally
speaking, apt-get is intelligent enough that you don't need to specify
as many details as you have. In fact, you can't specify as many details
as you have, or at least not in that way. :) Read 'man 5 sources.list'
if you want to write that file yourself.

For general use in potato, retrieving all sections, you need lines like

deb ftp://ftp.us.debian.org/debian potato main contrib non-free
deb ftp://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US potato non-US/main non-US/contrib non-US/non-free

... and the same with 'deb' replaced by 'deb-src' if you want to get
sources as well as binaries.

However, the particular file you're trying to get is not in an
apt-gettable repository. To install it, just download it with your
favourite FTP client and do 'dpkg -i apt_0.3.19_i386.deb' - simple as
that. apt-get won't get confused by you doing things with raw dpkg.

>Took a look at the /var/state/apt/lists/partial/
>Found the following,
>Once again, "E: Malformed line 9............"
>What seems to me is wrong is the second _dists_ in the

Yes, indeed. Looks like you tried to say something like:

  deb ftp://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/dists potato main contrib non-free

... or something strange like that [1]. It won't work - use the lines

[1] Even that would give you an extra 'main_' in the filename above ...

>Tried to fire up the editor to edit that out, couldn't bring up and I am
>at /root....

What were you trying to edit? Normally you wouldn't use an editor to
change filenames in a directory, well, unless you fired up a shell from
inside emacs or something. :)

Colin Watson                                     [cjw44@flatline.org.uk]

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