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Re: XFree86 4.0.1 in woody?

Andreas Tscharner <starfire@dplanet.ch> writes:
AT> I wonder when XFree86 4.0.1 comes into woody.

It'll be in when the X maintainer decides that his packages are stable 
enough for general use.  My impression is that their current state
isn't particularly usable unless you're willing to do significant
amounts of debugging and testing.

AT> And when it has come in, whether dselect will update it or not.

I'm sure one of the goals and difficulties lies in ensuring a clean

Since you're running unstable, though, you're probably reasonably
comfortable with random minor tweaks to your system.  You might try
downloading either the source or one of the binary tarballs off of the 
XFree86 distribution site, and playing around with XF86 4.0.1 that way.

David Maze             dmaze@mit.edu          http://www.mit.edu/~dmaze/
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
	-- Abra Mitchell

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