Re: 3com problem
The 3c59x module is built into the kernel, just configure your network and it will
work. You do not have to load any modules. There should be a multiple-line entry
when the box starts up and the NIC is identified. This system works so slick that I
have 2 3c905's that I slap into a box just to simplify my life. Then I switch later
to a different card if I want to.
Do the basic stuff--partition the hd, select keyboard, initialize hd partitions, and
then configure networking (yes, this is a little bit out of order.) After that, get
the kernel and modules via ftp, then the base system via ftp. I have a T-1 right here
in my office, and this has got to be the best system around.
Piotr Chudykowski wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to install the base system via ftp, but I can't
> because the drivers in the potato release doesn't have
> support for my NIC (3Com 905). What can I do - please
> help.
> Thanks.
> Pete.
> --
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"I was on a Boston to New York shuttle flight that gets stuck on the runway for 3 hours
with no explanation. Worse, I'm sitting in front of three idiot consultants from Razorfish
who spend the whole time talking loudly and incessantly. Remarkably, not one word of it
resembled any productive activity in the slightest. 'So, I conducted a series of group
discussion sessions to quantify how they establish their procedures.' 'But, Bianca, how
did you formulate the framework for evaluating their paradigms?'
My favorite line - Bianca is irate because a client asked her for some concrete
bit of information: 'Can you believe that? Hello? I'm an Information Architect, not a
Knowledge Engineer!'" --dump() on slashdot.
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- References:
- 3com problem
- From: "Piotr Chudykowski" <>