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Re: Basic Debian firewall

On Thu, Oct 05, 2000 at 08:01:31AM -0500, Rogelio E. Castillo Haro wrote:
<something in html, if you can believe it>
<ah, here it is...>
>About this,
>In my linuxbox startup configuration, I don't know where are the
>initialization scripts for ipchains, or where can I put my own
>scripts, someone knows where is the right place?

all DEBIAN init stuff is in /etc/init.d/* ...

for runlevel N, look in /etc/rc<N>.d/* (e.g. for
the default runlevel 2, try /etc/rc2.d/*). those are
symlinks to the actual scripts in /etc/init.d/*.

K* are run as 'command stop' to halt a daemon, and
S* are run as 'command start' to launch a daemon or
start some service.

man update-rc.d

update-rc.d is a handy command to link and unlink
/etc/init.d/* scripts into and out-of various /etc/rc*.d/
directories (runlevels).


ignore all that if you can avoid it.

	1) apt-get install ipmasq
	2) set up your /etc/network/interfaces
	3) ifup -a

	4) ipmasq

	5) do productive work

things are more like they used to be than they are now.

will@serensoft.com *** http://www.dontUthink.com/

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