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Re: Bind error in /var/log/daemon.log

At 02:38 PM 10/5/00 -0400, you wrote:
I'm noticing the following in /var/log/daemon.log for some of my zones

Oct  5 14:31:08 bugs named[13618]: Zone "home.shadowstar.net" (file
/etc/bind/home.shadowstar.net): No default TTL set using SOA minimum instead
Oct  5 14:31:08 bugs named[13618]: master zone
"home.shadowstar.net" (IN) loaded (serial 200010041)

with the following as the SOA

@       IN      SOA     bugs.home.shadowstar.net. alec.shadowstar.net. (
                        200010041       ; serial number
                        3600            ; refresh (1 hour)
                        1800            ; retry (30 mins)
                        604800          ; expire (7 days)
                        3600 )          ; minimum (1 hour)

As near as I can tell, my values are correct... How can I go about
eliminating the 'No TTL' error and still have resonable values in my

$TTL    604800
@       IN      SOA     bugs.home.shadowstar.net. alec.shadowstar.net. (
                        200010041       ; serial number
                        3600            ; refresh (1 hour)
                        1800            ; retry (30 mins)
                        604800          ; expire (7 days)
                        3600 )          ; minimum (1 hour)

Thats all you need :) Isn't it curious how questions on the list can sometimes cover exactly something you've fixed or worked on in the last week?


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