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Re: doesn't anybody use tunnelling / vpn?

On Mon, Sep 25, 2000 at 11:25:26PM -0500, will trillich wrote:

> am i the only person trying to get these going? it seems like such
> a no-brainer tool that i'd expect LOTS of us to be using vpn
> (or trying to get it running).

Most of the people using VPNs are probably companies, and probably most
of those that need it have paid sysadmins.  They tend not to be the sort
of people asking questions here.

> i'm going NUTS here... help! pointers would be handy, but i've
> found many documents hither and yon on the 'net and NONE have been
> turnkey... there's always some obscure obstacle or error message
> that i have no clue as to the meaning behind it.

> is there a debianized tunnel module i can get running?

We use FreeSWAN, which isn't packaged yet.

Mark Brown  mailto:broonie@tardis.ed.ac.uk   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)
EUFS        http://www.eusa.ed.ac.uk/societies/filmsoc/

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