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Re: Emacs SSH... You have no controlling tty

>>>>> "Christian" == Christian Lemer <chris@ucmb.ulb.ac.be> writes:

    Christian> Message: cvs [update aborted]: end of file from server
    Christian> (consult above messages if any) Message: Parser Error:
    Christian> 'You have no controlling tty.  Cannot read passphrase.'

    Christian> I took a lot of time trying to understand better the
    Christian> default configuration of ssh (which is more in Debian
    Christian> that it is in RedHat ... at least is seems so) but I
    Christian> couldn't figure why it fails.

    Christian> In fact, it may or may not be related to ssh.

I believe this is a emacs issue, not an ssh issue.

I think I saw a solution somewhere, but I can't remember what it was
now (perhaps it was simply to use ssh-agent, so ssh doesn't require
any passwords - that should fix the problem).

Running ssh from a shell with xemacs (potato) works fine for me,
except the password is not hidden... Perhaps this is unrelated bug.

However, I suspect your problem is that emacs doesn't expect cvs to
require any input, hence it doesn't bother setting up a proper ptty.
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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