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Re: OT: shell prompt tip

> On an unrelated note, I'm *fairly* new to Linux (or UNIX in general), only
> having been using it for about a year.  In the DOS command-interpreter 4DOS,
> I could refer to parent directories as . and .. as is the norm in DOS and UNIX.
> But I could also type, say, "cd ....", which would be equivalent of typing
> "cd ..\..\..\".  It could be thought of as going up the directory tree, one dot
> per level, the first representing the CWD.  Is there any practical way I could
> make bash expand multiple dots like it would wildcards, passing the full
> expanded form onto the program being called, without hacking up the source to
> bash?
put this into your profile:

cd() {
  local p=$1
  while :; do
    test "$p" == "$np" && break
  builtin cd "$p"

possibly not the simplest way, but it works.

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