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RE: helix-gnome for Debian 2.2 ?

Thanks for helping me understand how the Debian apt-get program 
can be used instead of the Helix-Gnome updater utility to install
the latest version of Gnome from the HelixCode web site.

Here is a summary of what I've learned:
1. Login as root. Note: I assume that Gnome and maybe even X should
not be running when you upgrade the helix-gnome components, so use 
the command "/etc/init.d/gdm stop" to get completely out of X and 
Gnome before starting. Do the following from the bash command line.
2. Add "deb http://spidermonkey.helixcode.com/distributions/Debian 
unstable main" to the bottom of the list in "/etc/apt/sources.list"
using the text editor of your choice (I use ae or the editor in mc.)
3. Connect to the Internet (I use pon Prodigy.)
4. Run "apt-get update" to download a list of packages and update 
your system's package database.
5. Run apt-get upgrade to download and install any packages that 
have been updated.
6. Assuming everything downloaded and installed ok, disconnect from
the internet (I use poff) and restart your system. I guess you could
also use "/etc/init.d/gdm start" to just restart gdm, but being used
to Windows I just like to reboot for good measure. <smile>

Success story not:
Even thought all of this seemed to work as it was supposed to, I 
never did get my Gnome upgraded because the files were too big and
my connection kept timing out. I figure that this was caused by my
poor phone-line quality and slow Internet connection (26,000 bps)
but I guess it could also be that something is misconfigured. Web
browsing with either Lynx or Navigator seems to work fine. Oh well,
I'll just wait and order another CD when the next version is out.



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