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Re: Gnome/X stuff

Note that the "one huge block of text" mode of posting is strongly
discouraged.  Post has been structured in paragraphs.

On Sat, Sep 09, 2000 at 09:32:41PM -0400, Rubbish5@aol.com (Rubbish5@aol.com) wrote:
> Okay, here's what's going down.  I've put Gnome on a few ways.  First
> setup I had going I was originally running Debian 2.1, then I went up to
> 2.2, and downloaded Gnome with apt-get.  So it's kind of working fine,
> but it's also giving me some flak kinda.  
> First of all the whole session save thing's not happening.  When I log
> off using the "foot menu" it cuts right out, and the console informs
> me that the X server was unexpectedly cut.  I can't do the save
> session command off of the menu either.  If I click nothing happens,
> and I always get the same screen when I log back in.  

How are you starting Gnome?

Don't use a display manager, at least not until you get X working
properly, and preferably not even after.  You're introducing more
options for error and making debugging more difficult, as well as
introducing a requirment for the overhead of X when you are explicitly
not using it (logged out of your X session).


    $ startx -- 1> startx.log 2>&1

...and post any results or errors (which will be logged to the file

If this starts a display manager other than Gnome, try:

    $ startx gnome-session -- 1> startx.log 2>&1

Once you've got this running, the recipie is:

    $ startx -- 1>.startx.log 2>&1 && exit

...so you don't leave your (unattended) console session open.

> So yesterday I got a three CD set of Debian 2.2 from Linux Central, so I
> decided to just knock the whole partition out and reinstall with those
> disks.  I hadn't anything installed in Linux yet, so that was fine.  The
> first time when it gave me options for packages, I went wild on it,

Don't do that.  Do a minimal installation with just the packages you
immediately need.  It's much easier to work out what's going on and
address what's broken.  You can add additional packages later trivially
with "apt-get install foo".

> [...] and X autostarting so that I could never see the command line,
> which I generally prefer, again.  

Switch to a virtual console with <alt>-F[1-6] (that's the "alt" key plus
one of your function keys 1-12).

> I don't know how to change all of that auto-launch stuff (can anyone
> help me out there), 

Debian assumes you know what you're doing.  If you've installed an X
display manager, it's started for you out of /etc/init.d on startup.
You can stop a service for the current session with:

    $ /etc/init.d/foo stop

If you want to keep an X display manager installed but not have it
manage your local session (this can be useful for XDM sessions), edit
out the appropriate localhost displays in /etc/X11/*dm/Xservers.

> so I just knocked out the partition, and this time installed only the
> base system.  

You get credit for being a fast learner <g>.

> After that I used apt-get to grab X and Gnome off the CDs.  

This is the way to do it.  Good.

> So up until this point I've been using enlightenment as a window
> manager, by the way, but it's got way too many things going on that
> really don't need to be there, in my oppinion :-)  So I've tried
> icewm, which I like a bit more.  Nowhere in all of this has session
> save worked.  

icewm, sawfish, and blackbox are recommended WindowManagers for Gnome.
I prefer WindoMaker, with or without Gnome, not necessarially in that

> I ended up taking "panel" out of my Xsession file just to see what
> would happen.  With the Gnome panel gone, logging off from icewm let's
> the thing "gently" log off (when I get back to the console it was
> perfectly aware that X was shuting down).  However, session save still
> isn't working.  

Not sure which session save you're referring to.  icewm's?

> Also, when I did this last attempt in which I just installed the base
> system and then X and Gnome, I no longer have a Debian menu.  I was
> thinking maybe that's because X and Gnome are the only things installed,
> but shouldn't there be an empty Debian menu at least?  That's kind of
> all that's going on.  
> I'm using kernel 2.2.17 if that's important.  Anyway, if more info is
> needed I can give it, but basically what I'm asking is:
>     How do I get session manager working?

Sorry, what's "session manager"?  The Gnome session app?  Your X display

>     Where'd my Debian menu go

Do you have the 'menu' package installed?

    $ apt-get install menu

>     Am I short any packages I really should have d/led?

Yes.  The ones you need <g>.

Circular as this sounds, just keep the install disk(s) handy and add
stuff as needed.

>     Is there a window manager you guys prefer?  I heard sawfish
>     mentioned, where do I get that?

    $ apt-get install sawfish

>     (less/not so important question) How do I edit what programs are
>     gettting launched at boot (e.g. making X *not* load at boot for
>     the graphical log in).

See above.  Generally, /etc/init.d, take a look at /etc/init.d/README

Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>     http://www.netcom.com/~kmself
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.                    http://www.opensales.org
  What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
   http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/    K5: http://www.kuro5hin.org
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