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Netscape mime-types

Hi all!

Last week I made an apt-get update; apt-get upgrade and my Netscape
changed from 4.73 to 4.75.

Since then, when I try to open a text file nothing happens. When I try to
open a JPEG or GIF image it uses xv to show the image.

I doesn't like this behavior because when I see a JPEG file and want to
save it after viewing it, I have to choose the quality of the image, but I
want to keep the original one. The other problem is that sometimes I need
to open text files with netscape.

I tried to change the /etc/mailcap file but in this case it will affects
all applications.

I also tried to remove the types from netscape preferences but it doesn't

How can I have netscape opening text files and images without affecting
other applications?



 * MARCIO ROSA DA SILVA                    e-mail: marcio@exatas.unisinos.br
 * Assistant Professor                             mrsva@iname.com
 * Electrical Engineering Department
 * Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS
 * Av. Unisinos, 950
 * Sao Leopoldo - RS - Brazil
 * Phone: +55 51 590-3333 R:1781/1782
 *   FAX: +55 51 590-8172
 *                                   http://www.eletrica.unisinos.br/~marcio

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