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.debs for LeoCAD

Hi all

Pat Mahone put up some .deb's for LeoCAD at
<http://www.crosswinds.net/~sideways/fossa/>  They're compiled for the
helix version of GTK+, so they might work if you force them.  Failing
that, there's always the source code.

LeoCAD is a cool CAD program for legos.  The homepage is at
http://leocad.gerf.org/.  There are a couple of low-traffic mailing
lists, too.

I talked to Leonardo, and he said that he's doing more development in
Linux nowadays, but he doesn't think that he has too many Linux users.
I remember about 6 months ago, somebody mentioned LeoCAD, and I just
didn't have the time to check it out.  Well, it's all good now.

Happy building!


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