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I've got me a sourceforge project for something I really don't think exists, but haven't much any coding experience

			I don't think there's much of anything for linux to do streaming audio,
(I mean broadcast it, plenty to play it, freeamp, mpg123, etc). There's
nothing that has the ability to have a playlist that fades from 1 song to
another like winamp in windows could. I've heard of icecast, but it doesn't
let you talk live after songs, and the like, and broadcast it to the net.
There's so many Windows products, but you can spend thousands on, but
nothing open source. Something usable over a remote connection would be
nice, but you can't get audio over telnet. I wonder what the answer to this
is? I can't get my sblive to overlap two mp3's, but it will do a wave over
an mp3, at least with freeamp and mpg123. I'd prefer something for use at
the text console prompt to make the remote aspect easier. One could use
hotkeys to add songs to a playlist, tell the program to broadcast the mike
after a song finishes, and go on after you hit another key. I've not the
greatest idea how to do coding for sound and stuff like that, I'd be more
the want to be user of something like it. It'd be a thought for a
revolution in linux.

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