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Re: openssh vs ssh

On Mon, Aug 21, 2000 at 05:03:16AM -0700, John L. Fjellstad wrote:
> I'm curious to why the openssh program has the package name of ssh 
> in Debian?

Theo de Raadt suggested (and most agreed) that one goal of OpenSSH should be
that when people say "ssh" it should mean "OpenSSH" to the person
hearing/reading it.  The goal is to completely replace the non-free ssh both
in feature completeness and in installed-base.

> It's somewhat confusing, because Debian also has a ssh package called
> ssh2, which, from what I understand, is the non-free version. It is
> somewhat confusing, because the newest version of OpenSSH (2.1.1p4)
> is actually equivalent to ssh2.  

I agree.  For a simple answer to your question:
odin@borghild:[~]$ apt-cache show ssh|grep '^Maintainer: '
Maintainer: Philip Hands <phil@hands.com>
Maintainer: Philip Hands <phil@hands.com>
odin@borghild:[~]$ apt-cache show ssh-nonfree|grep '^Maintainer: '
Maintainer: Philip Hands <phil@hands.com>
odin@borghild:[~]$ apt-cache show ssh2|grep '^Maintainer: '
Maintainer: Edward Brocklesby <ejb@debian.org>

Philip Hands initially changed the name of ssh to ssh-nonfree and added
openssh as ssh (this sparked much discussion on debian-devel.  have a look
in the archives).

Edward Brocklesby had nothing to do with this decision.  Perhaps it is time
to contact him and ask him if he would consider changing his package's name
to be more consistant with the packages Philip Hands owns.  Care to do this?

> The way it is currently packaged, it sounds like ssh2 is the 'next
> generation' ssh, when in fact, they are two different programs giving
> the same functionality.


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