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Hello, all,

I'm in the process of setting up a 2.2 server for my work.  It will be running
SAMBA & lrpng for all local clients, and IMP/proftp for external (& internal)

I've read the hosts_access manpage, and mostly understand it, but am missing a
few key points and I don't know where to find dox that will explain it for me.

Basically, the people here want to be able to have write access to the public
SAMBA shares so they can drag and drop files on their Win98 clients onto the
/home/ftp/pub directory.  They will also (obviously) need IMP access both
internally and externally.

The server isn't fully in place yet as we're waiting on installation of our DSL
link, but I'd like to have it ready by then.  I have already put ALL: ALL in
/etc/hosts.deny and ALL: 10.0.1. in /etc/hosts.allow.  I also want people to be
able to get their mail through IMP externally, and I want to allow anonymous ftp
access externally (but *not* user login ftp access externally).  I also don't
want people to be able to use IMAP clients other than a secure web browser so
that passwords aren't passed in the clear.

Can anyone give me some hints as to dox to read, or entries for /etc/hosts.allow
to accomplish this?

Many thanks in advance :)


Matthew Thompson       https://mattyt.net/webmail
mattyt@oz.net          http://www.oz.net/~mattyt
--Someday, I'll have a web page.--

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