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Re: why is kernel recompilation necessary?

Krzys Majewski scripsit:
>Why is it that under Windows or whatever I don't have to recompile
>the kernel just to add a new driver? Is it a protection thing? 
>Or an optimization thing? Or something else? -chris

Well, stricly speaking kernel recompilation isn't mandatory. You cold
just compile a modulke and load it with modconf. This way is exactly
the same thing as under nullsoft windog, except that you have the
source of the driver:). 

Leo TheHobbit 
IRCnet #leiene
ICQ 56656060

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W++ N+ K? o? !w O? M V--- PS+++ PE-- Y+ GPG+ t++ 5? X- R+ tv+ 
b++++ D? DI? G e++++ h(+) r--(---) y+(--)>+++*

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