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Re: Netscape & plugins

Once upon a time, I heard Antonio Fiol Bonnín say

> How do I check if my Netscape is a libc6 one?

chanop@dynax apt-cache search communicator-smotif
communicator-smotif-473-libc5 - Netscape Communicator 4.73 (static Motif)
(libc5 version)
communicator-smotif-408 - Netscape Communicator 4.08 (static Motif)
communicator-smotif-472 - Netscape Communicator 4.72 (static Motif)
communicator-smotif-473 - Netscape Communicator 4.73 (static Motif)
communicator-smotif-47 - Netscape Communicator 4.7 (static Motif)
communicator-smotif-472-libc5 - Netscape Communicator 4.72 (static Motif)
(libc5 version)

IIRC netscape/communicator packages ~ 4.5 - 4.7 are libc5. And since package
version 4.72, there are both libc5 and libc6.

check your installed version.

| Just Debian ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ chanop@debian.org|

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