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Re: Road Runner && DNS Problems

On Sat, 10 Jun 2000, Bob Bernstein wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 10, 2000 at 02:56:07PM -0500, Chris Hoover wrote:
> > internet
> >   |
> >   |
> > debian-wall (Firewall box)
> >   | 
> >   |
> >   Hub---(debian-server - DNS server for the network)
> >   |
> >   |
> >   (Multiple PC's)
> You have 'debian-wall' set as the default gw route for every machine, and
> you have 'debian-server' listed as the first nameserver in every
> /etc/resolv.conf? Yes?
Yes, debian-server is in the /etc/resolv.conf of the other machines. In fact,
it is given as the only name server.

> Then does 'nslookup' appear to working correctly on 'debian-server'?
Yes it appears to be working fine.  Here is it's output.
choover@debian-server:~$ nslookup www.bellsouth.net
Server:  localhost

Non-authoritative answer:
Name:    www.bellsouth.net


> > I did directly connect my windows box to the cable modem and looked at the
> > dhcp address.  I then added what it said where the dns servers to the
> > named.conf file on debian-server, but still no help.
> What do you mean? You added forwarders to named.conf? 
Yes.  Here is what I did (showing only relevent part):
// generated by named-bootconf.pl

options {
directory "/var/named";
forwarders {;  ##I added this;  ##and this;;;

I have since rebooted the box.  
> Be aware that for such as pop and smtp hosts you should use FQDN's; stuff
> like "mail" and "news" might not work.

They gave me the following names for use when on  their network:
pop-server, smtp-server, nntp-server.  When I need to connect to the mail
server from a non-rr site, I have an FQDN.  Also, I can connect to the pop
server using that.

Finally, I forgot to mention that debian-server is running dhcp for my internal
network.  However, both debian-server and debian-wall have static ip's (don't
use dhcp for internal net).



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