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Netscape on low-mem system (was Re: X on a 486)

On Tue, Jun 20, 2000 at 06:46:07PM +0200, Atila Nemet wrote:
> AN> Unfortunately I have only an old 486 PC on 120MHz. Is there
> AN> window manager which is low on system resources so I
> AN> could set up X on this 486?
> From, the help I've got, it seems that the problem is not with the
> window manager itself (since there are people who are using X with various
> window managers on weaker machines), but with the programs I use.
> I have set up fvwm and it ran quite ok. as long as I was using some
> little applications, but when I started Netscape. It lookd like the
> time had sopped. Would a memory upgrade help in this case?

Yep, that'll do it.

My suggestions:

 - w3m or lynx -- console-mode browsers.  Also "links", though I don't
   care for it as much.

 - Both Gnome and KDE have HTML browsers -- the KDE file manager (kwm)
   and the Gnome Help Viewer (??).  You'll need some of the
   corresponding KDE/Gnome support, but you don't need KDE or Gnome per

 - Mozilla.  I've been using it periodically since September, am now
   running M16.  It's interesting, but not yet compelling.

 - Other graphical browsers -- Freshmeat's got a pageful, though I
   haven't tried most:

   Gzilla (now Armadillo) and Grail look intriguing, though the latter
   turns up 404.  Anyone got a current URL?

   Looking at Gzilla -- it's promising, though still alpha.  It renders.
   but complex layouts (eg:  Slashdot) are funky.  If you're looking
   for a lightweight browser, this might well be it.

   top (compressed whitespace) running NS Nav 4.61 and gzila 0.3.10:

   4631 karsten  0  0 14400  13M  5744 S   0 0.0 14.9  0:17 navigator-sm
   5100 karsten  0  0  2724 2724  2088 S   0 0.1  2.8  0:00 gzilla

 - Primitive graphical browsers.  These tend to be more frustrating than
   useful, but the original Mosaic browser, Amaya, and others are

 - Early versions of Netscape.  NS 3.03 only sucked slightly.  And it's
   a major trip down memory lane.  The low-numbered 4.x series sucked,
   but didn't blow.  Anything prior to 3.03 was, IIRC, compiled as
   aout rather than ELF, and probably won't run on modern Linuxen:

Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>         http://www.netcom.com/~kmself
  Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.                       http://www.opensales.org
   What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?      Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
     http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/      K5: http://www.kuro5hin.org
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